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Salam Kenal... saya Once,saya hanya seorang penikmat music yang menginginkan kemajuan di industri musik Indonesia,salah satu caranya dengan menjual DVD Music yang murah dan berkualitas dari berbagai genre dengan harapan bisa menjadi influence demi masa depan musik di tanah air ini....list dvdnya bisa di downlod di ada 1600 judul... untuk yang mau order silahkan kunjungi kios kami di toko OL yang paling aman buat konsumen,silahkan PM kalau ternyata DVD yang teman2 minati belum saya upload agar bisa segera di pesan..... dan untuk yang hoby Download saya sharing link2 DVD music yang saya ketahui dari blognya org lain yang bebas di download....semua formatnya belakangan ini untuk link2 dari megaupload filesonic & fileserve sudah gak bisa di Download lagi....silahkan komen mungkin bisa saya carikan link yang lainnya....Thx (Bdg,13 Februari 2012)

Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Albert Collins and The Icebreakers - The Iceman at Mount Fuji (1992)[DVD5]

Like no other electric blues guitarist of his generation, Albert Collins illuminated a stage with incandescent
energy whenever he plugged his lethal Telecaster into an amp and let fly with his frigid, minor-key-laced
licks. The Texas-born Collins, whose seminal early recorded output included the icy instrumentals "Defrost,"
"Sno-Cone," and his signature workout "Frosty," had a bone-cutting sound that was immediately
identifiable as his alone. The Master of the Telecasted two triumphant performances at the 1992 Mt Fuji
Jazz Festival underscore his bone-cutting brilliance; backed by his Icebreakers, Collins rocks the house with
the blazing "If You Love Me Like You Say," "Honey Hush," "Put The Shoe On The Other Foot," his immortal
"Frostv." and plenty more, mesmerizing the throngs attending the outdoor festival day and night

Día perfomance:

1. Iceman
2. Put the Shoe On the Other Foot
3. Light's Are On But Nobody's Home
4. If You Love Me Like You Say
5. Same Old Thing
6. Travelin' South

Por la noche perfomance:

7. Iceman [Extended Jam]
8. Put the Shoe On the Other Foot
9. Light's Are On But Nobody's Home
10. Honey Hush
11. Same Old Thing
12. Frosty

DVD5 (Carpeta VIDEO TS [4,08 GB] Idioma: Inglés Audio: Dolby Digital 2.0 224 Kbps Formato: MPEG-2 NTSC 4:3
Duración: 78 Min. Subtitulos: No Carátulas: Si Pass: sinergia Alojado en: Filesonic, Megaupload y Fileserve[Intercambiales]


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