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Salam Kenal... saya Once,saya hanya seorang penikmat music yang menginginkan kemajuan di industri musik Indonesia,salah satu caranya dengan menjual DVD Music yang murah dan berkualitas dari berbagai genre dengan harapan bisa menjadi influence demi masa depan musik di tanah air ini....list dvdnya bisa di downlod di ada 1600 judul... untuk yang mau order silahkan kunjungi kios kami di toko OL yang paling aman buat konsumen,silahkan PM kalau ternyata DVD yang teman2 minati belum saya upload agar bisa segera di pesan..... dan untuk yang hoby Download saya sharing link2 DVD music yang saya ketahui dari blognya org lain yang bebas di download....semua formatnya belakangan ini untuk link2 dari megaupload filesonic & fileserve sudah gak bisa di Download lagi....silahkan komen mungkin bisa saya carikan link yang lainnya....Thx (Bdg,13 Februari 2012)

Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

Annie Haslam - Live Studio Concert: Philadelphia, PA, USA 1997 DVD5

Annie Haslam's first DVD, titled ‘LIVE’ Studio Concert, Philadelphia, 1997. Haslam was accompanied in the concert by musicians Rave Tesar, David Biglin, and Joe Goldberger. Some of the DVD’s most notable tracks are ‘After The Oceans Are Gone’, ‘Carpet Of The Sun’, and ‘Seashell Eyes’. Many of Haslam’s long-time fans were in the audience to hear both new and older familiar favorites of Annie’s; some she has co-written herself.
Haslam’s singing and songwriting career spans over thirty years. Her astonishing five-octave voice has been featured on more than forty-eight albums to date. Annie has performed at numerous ‘live’ venues throughout the world. Her appearances include such legendary establishments as Carnegie Hall, New York, with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, and The Royal Albert Hall, London, with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra together with The Royal Chorale Society.
Originally from Lancashire, England, Annie began her professional career as the lead vocalist for the seventies British group, ‘Renaissance’. Annie Haslam’s releases with ‘Renaissance’ span from 1972 through 1987. Annie’s recording career continued to develop over the years to include multiple solo recordings, most notably ‘Annie in Wonderland’, ‘Live’ Under Brazilian Skies’, and ‘The Dawn Of Ananda’. Several recordings are under Annie’s own label, ’White Dove Records’.

01. Carpet of the Sun (Dunford / Thatcher) [Renaissance]
02. Pool of Tears (Visconti / Haslam)
03. Summon the Angels (Haslam / Biglin)
04. Captive Heart (Camp / Dunford) [Renaissance]
05. After The Oceans Are Gone (Haslam / Biglin)
06. Seashell Eyes (Haslam / Biglin)
07. Sleepless Mother (Haslam / Tesar)
08. What He Seeks (Visconti / Haslam)
09. The Young Prince and Princess (Dunford / Thatcher) [Renaissance]

Annie Haslam - Vocals
Rave Tesar - Keyboards
David Biglin - Keyboards, Guitar and Vocals
Joe Goldberger - Drums, Percussion, Backing vocals

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